lundi 30 novembre 2020 à 18h30

Palestinian youth resistance

Due to the current health situation, we organise our meetings through online conferences.

Palestine33 from AFPS (Association France Palestine Solidarité) and FIPP Bordeaux (Educational Network for Human Rights in Israel/Palestine) is proud to invite you to attend an event on the role of young Palestinians in resisting the military occupation of the West Bank. Through this conference, we invite three young Palestinian who are daily confronted by many reasons to reject the Israeli occupation. For all of them, there is no option but resistance. What kind of commitment do they have? Thus, we will firstly talk about how occupation affecting their life and secondly, how they are resisting in their daily life.

To discover it by joining us on Monday, 30th November at 6:30 pm (Paris time zone) and 7:30 pm (AlQods time zone) for an exciting online conference. To participate click on the link below!

This event will be an opportunity for you to discover more about the stakes of young people in the Palestinian resistance and to ask all your questions to the live speakers.

Speakers :

  • Sami, member of the association Youth of Sumud in Hebron, studying in law at the Hebron University.
  • Issam, member of We are not numbers and studying at Gaza.
  • Hazar, studied at Birzeit University and currently working at Palestinian circus school.

Source :…
Source : message reçu le 20 novembre 09h